4 Ways your Facebook likes can be Increased

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A “Like” is not just a vanity metric for your Facebook page. It means a real person who shows an interest to get Facebook like. You opened a 24/7 channel of communication. It’s very powerful for me, for one.

You can keep your clients warm in a friendly and non-invasive manner with Facebook. In a month or year, depending on your industry, only so many times a person shops in your store. Even 10 percent off coupons promotional emails can be tired and spam folders for people over time. Facebook posts are key to keeping someone warm between purchases.

Every page post reaches only 16 percent of fans on Facebook’s Edge-rank, but a fan is a worth a lot to your business. It enables you to promote your business activities at all times with a potential customer. If you want to quickly update or introduce your postal system, see the four Facebook Factor Edge-rank Uses

You can use a number of methods, on and off Facebook, to increase your Facebook likes. Don’t worry, therefore, if you’re starting only. Both advanced users and noobs are covered by these methods.

As you will soon see, your secret weapons will be like gates and Facebook’s Like Button Plugin to increase your Facebook likes. Let’s go to the Top 7 (IMHO) ways to boost Facebook likings.

1. to Increase Facebook Likes: Contests

Contests are the easiest way to inspire and attract people like Facebook enthusiasts. The appeal of a large award, which is relevant to your specific market, makes your target clients “like” their websites a no-brainer and makes them a fan.

Most third party contests, such as Wishpond, come with the convenience of a Like-Gate feature. This feature hides the entry page in a contest app for users if their Facebook page isn’t “Liking.”

Users who do not like your Facebook page usually have a simple image that they need in order to access the competition. a similar image. Once your Facebook page is appreciated by a fan, the application is automatically reloaded to display its default entry or polling page. Most Facebook 3rd Party apps, including all Wishpond’s, are built-in with similar games, so you can enable them for any competition easily.

2. to Increase Facebook Likes: Like-Gated Coupons

Coupons are a great promotion for evergreens. Everyone is encouraged to buy something small like a 10 percent discount coupon while (relatively) keeping the bounds intact. However, the best way to use coupons is to have them accessible (which requires little work).

Custom tabs from Pagemodo make it easy to create a Gate Coupon with integrated coupon codes. The group offers applications from Wishpond allows you to redeem your coupon only after a number of people have claimed it. This causes you to share the coupon with your friends and drive your web-page even more. See an example of the following Group Offer:

An easy way to get traffic to your favourite voucher is to add a call-to-action in your website header. This makes it easy to catch people as fans because they already buy from you.

3. to Increase Facebook Likes: Like-Gated E books

Depending on your industry or the target market, sometimes education content is a better incentive than a discount offer or prize. In particular, B2B companies drive many new supporters and customers through the provision of helpful content to the public.

An ordinary eBook will have a website download that contains a form to access the eBook. You have to fill in it. You can also add your Facebook likes by loading the form inside a table on your page.

This will also help improve your Facebook ads’ conversion rate. Research has shown that the rate of conversion for Facebook Ads that link to Facebook’s pages is higher than those connected to other Facebook pages.


4. to Increase Facebook Likes: Facebook Ads

The easiest way to increase your Facebook liking (IMHO) is through Facebook ads. What is the reason? You guarantee a highly targeted audience visibility of your brand.

One important thing to keep in mind is that Facebook ads are unlike Google Ad-words. Ad-words require you to clearly specify the efficacy of your offer. This is because when a person seeks that particular offer, the ad appears, so he or she will click on the most relevant information at the time.

A Facebook ad however appears during a surfing person, so that they probably will not buy your products at the time. You must therefore provide a driving incentive for your Facebook announcements. The above three methods: contests, coupons and eBooks provide you with a good incentive.

For this purpose, use the right column ad on Facebook’s “Get More Page Likes.” These ads only allow you to target people who do not like your website, link to a page tab and have a Like Button in your ad. We use a description formula in the ad below that was purely optimised to make you want to.

For this purpose, use the right column ad on Facebook’s “Get More Page Likes.” These ads only allow you to target people who do not like your website, link to a page tab, and have a Like Button in your ad. We use a description formula in the ad below that was purely optimised to make you want to.

“Like” to ‘ is the basic formula. This formula can be used to promote likings by any type of stimulus. Some of you can try here:

  • “Like” us for an Exclusive 15 % discount
  • “Like” us to obtain Facebook Commitment Free Guide
  • “Like” us to be treated for $100.

The ads are great as they can link to a Facebook page tab directly. Thus you can still capture them as a new fan with a similarly gated ebook, voucher, or contest, even if a person clicks the “Like” button.

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