Dry herb vaporizers are compact, lightweight devices designed for vaporization enthusiasts who are always on the move. They are very popular because they do not produce odor and provide little steam, in addition to being very simple to operate, and for operating, in the great majority, by means of a battery.
An herbal vaporizer consists of a chamber where the heat source will increase the temperature and will heat the herb until it reaches the ideal degree for vaporization (about 200 ° C), and with that temperature, the active ingredient of the herbs is released without burning the material. Still, herb vaporizers are developed to heat the herb extract with more quality, making its active ingredients enter directly into your body, better satisfying your need. So, you’ll have a smokeless vaporization.
Choosing the best list of disposable vapes in this case now.
Essence: It is the same thing as e-liquid and e-juice. It is a term widely used by hookah consumers, which is what will give flavor to your vaporization.
E-cig: “electronic cigarette” is the abbreviation for Electronic Cigarette.
Flood / Flooded: This is when cotton is soaked with liquid more than it should, causing leakage.
Freebase: It is a type of nicotine, which is normally used in ordinary cigarettes.
Kick: It is when the user feels an annoyance in the throat produced by the type of nicotine used in the chosen e-liquid.
Mech: It is the term used to name the mechanical mod.
Mesh: in Portuguese “mesh” is a type of coil used as a heating element instead of using metal wires.
Mouth to Lung (MTL):“Mouth to the lung”, it is when the user uses the vape as if he were smoking a conventional cigarette, pulling the vapor into the mouth and then inhaling and taking it to the lung (inhaling). This procedure is indicated to be performed in devices with simpler devices that have less power and a more closed airflow.
Nic: short for nicotine.
Nicotine: a substance used in cigarettes and e-juices that acts as a stimulant and tranquilizer.
POD: is a type of device that uses higher concentrations of nicotine that is commonly used with Nic Salt with up to 50mg or nicotine freebase with up to 12mg. This type of device aims to function similar to that of ordinary cigarettes.
Popcap: it is a cover that contains a magnetic system that guarantees its closing evenly and firmly, providing, at the same time, an easy maintenance.
Puffs: it is the act of vaporizing. When you pull the steam out of your vape once you’re giving a puff.
Thread: is the part that fits the atomizer in the vape.
Slots: when the user feels an irritation in the throat when pulling the steam.
Starter kit: It is the device indicated for beginners in the vape world. It is practical in its use, complete and with all the parts incorporated in a single device. The starter kit is made to work alone, without additional, presenting only the desired eliquid.