Who is a life coach and what is the impact of life coaches on your life?

Who is a Life Coach?

Each and every person carries a lot of power within themselves. Sometimes a gentle nudge is needed to let that power out in a positive and productive manner. A life coach assists you to give that nudge. A life coach is analogous to a sounding board who helps you in improving, aspiring, and achieving your goals by summing your inborn potential effectively and optimally.

Around 85% of people are aware of life coaching in India and around 60% have partnered with a life coach at some time, with 95% being satisfied with the experience. It was published in the 2017 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study and was also conducted by PwC Research.

Life coaches help others deal with their challenges. They act as catalysts for their clients. They are experts who inspire people to change their habits and identify their potential for personal and professional growth. Life coaching consists of a series of conversations that help people look at their problems and obstacles from a whole new perspective. These days Life Coaches are sought more because you can work with them at your convenience and comfort.

The ever-reducing number of the joint family system has left many feeling isolated. Life has become fast paced and with that, the expectations and competition with oneself and others are getting fiercer than ever. Relationships are being harder to maintain because of home & work pressure on the shoulders of just two people due to the nuclear nature of families causing an increase in disagreements & separation. People are not able to find time to pause and look within hence the need for someone who can objectively provide answers without being judgmental.

Life coach in Bangalore

Importance of Life Coaching

Life coaching can encompass relationship and health coaching to life skills and career coaching. A lot of people whose number is rapidly increasing credit their new-found motivation and productivity to life coaching. People seek guidance for confidence building, career change, self-worth and esteem, work-life balance, relationships, finding purpose, health, emotional intelligence, and much more.

Life coaching helps in improving and enhancing the personal and professional lives of people. Whether anyone wants to strengthen their relationship with self and others, need career advice, move their business forward, or simply want more peace in their lives, a life coach in Bangalore helps in setting, understanding, and meeting those goals.

Life coaches emphasize on practical solutions rather than philosophical gyaan provided by spiritual gurus. Many people seek them out to find a solution to “stressful lives” and “work-life imbalance”. Although it’s not always professional angst or personal trauma that brings people to a life coach’s door. Sometimes it can be just anxiety and behavioural imbalances as well which can make people suicidal in extreme cases. Although in a vast number of cases, it is to regain lost confidence and self-esteem, procrastination and lack of productivity, the stress in relationships, and finding life’s purpose, among others. Bringing a person away from his or her long-held beliefs is the toughest challenge faced by a life coach. Getting clients to unlearn many habits in order to create space to learn something new requires a lot of patience and expert skills. It is truly essential for a life coach to help others discover their limiting beliefs and heal the wounds that are holding them back.

Life coaching comprises guiding and inspiring someone and help them create an actionable plan to achieve their life goals. Life Coaches help in identifying your strengths as well as areas of concern. They inspire and encourage you to leverage your strengths in order to address the concerns that help you in living a fuller and meaningful life empowering your growth as a person. In today’s world, most of us keep struggling to strike a meaningful balance between the various demands of our lives. It’s not only about just work-life anymore; it also includes other additional aspects like our aspirations, our ‘personal me-time’ and so on so forth. Life coaching helps in improving the performance in all the important areas of life.

Life Coaching and You

Life coaching is important because you and your well being is important, your aspirations and dreams are important. To help chase your dreams, or to help build foundations of your growth plan in order to rise multi-fold, or to inspire you to overcome your insecurities — each of these is a monumental task having their own setbacks and obstacles. The best life coach in Bangalore helps you cushion every fall, elevates you when you’re down, and motivates you to keep on running. They draw from their expertise, experience, and passion in order to help you come out to the top.

To sum it up, life coaching is easy:

It makes “I want” to “I have”

It makes “I should” to “I am”

Let’s discover ‘new you’ with the help of a life coach!!!

Author Details:

Author Name – Deepti Arora

Occupation – Owner and DMIT Expert at Disha Deepan.

Website Link – https://dishadeepan.com/

Email – deepti@dishadeepan.com

About the Author – Deepti Arora is a very experienced DMIT expert at Disha Deepan. She provides expert counselling for career, parenting, academics, corporates, partner compatibility, stress management, and lifestyle management based upon the biometric analysis of an individual.

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