A career in Artificial Intelligence after M.Tech

With the rise in new technology every few weeks, the market for AI is on the rise. There is a high demand for people who can work in this sector. For working in Artificial Intelligence, you must have a strong knowledge of computers. If you pursue M. Tech in computer science and engineering, you can work at reputed positions at big technological firms. The following are the career scopes in AI after M. Tech that you can pursue after the degree.
Business intelligence developer
The main job of Business intelligence (BI) developers is that they have to analyze the big data related to the project or the company. They work in cloud programming and design and maintain high-quality data in the cloud. The goal of their job is to increase the efficiency of the firm and help to make it successful. As a person starts getting more experience in this field, his salary increases.
Research scientist
For the job of a research scientist, an M.Tech degree in computer science is required. The research scientists should have good knowledge of graphic models, statistics, and deep learning. During the interview for hiring the research scientist, the questions are directly on the research part and how extensive the knowledge of the interviewee is. The starting salary is very good for those who work as a research scientist.
Machine learning engineer
If you have good knowledge of applied sciences, then the job of a machine learning scientist is good for you. The management of machine learning projects is done by engineers as the job. Many people go for this job after completing M. Tech in computer science and engineering. A good grip on programming languages like Python, Scala, and Java can prove to be very useful in the workplace.
Data scientist
The data scientist job is one of the good-paying jobs in the industry. They should have good knowledge of working with modern programming languages and statistical computing languages along with knowing the use of tools and working on bigger platforms. A strong communication skill is a must so that good communication can take place between the data scientist and other people who are directly involved with the work.
Big data Architect
The work of big data architect involves the very important job of creating the ecosystem which will help the businesses to contact each other and be in touch. Strong programming skills are necessary for working in this position. The work is more about designing, planning, and maintaining the bigger systems. Big data architects require a lot of hard work but they also have a high paying job in the industry.
With so much scope in the AI industry, the salary is sound too. So, if you wish to do M. Tech in computer science then apply now because admissions in the good colleges are open. Applying for admission is easy. You just have to visit the website and the rest of the guidance will be available there. 

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